
Roger Waters responds to Anti-Defamation League complaints

Posted by madhack on Oct 5, 2010

A few weeks back, the Anti-Defamation League accused Roger Waters of antisemitism for his use of imagery of Stars of David and dollar signs in the videos used during The Wall Live.

Roger has responded on his site's news page:

... The point I am trying to make in the song is that the bombardment we are all subject to by conflicting religious, political, and economic ideologies only encourages us to turn against one another, and I mourn the concommitant loss of life.

In so far as The Wall has a political message it is to seek to illuminate our condition, and find new ways to encourage peace and understanding, particularly in the Middle East.

Incidentally, being from England, I had never heard of the ADL until today, but I have googled them and I see from their mission statement of 1913 that their brief is not only to defend the Jewish people from defamation, but also, and I quote, " to secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike and to put an end forever to unjust and unfair discrimination against and ridicule of any sect or body of citizens". Perhaps we should all focus on that lofty ideal and stop cowering in our corners throwing stones at one another.

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